The highly anticipated Demolition Parts Slider Front Hub Guards are finally in stock and they’re living up to everything we hoped they would be. After a couple years (no kidding) of refining, testing, and dialing in the PC/Nylon compound, adaptability, durability, and longevity we’ve finally got them where we want them. They’re inexpensive, sold individually and come in three options: PC Guard only, PC Guard+Bulimia Cone, or PC Guard+Ghost Cone. All Bulimia V3 hubs and Ghost V2 hubs come with the newly designed cone the PC slides on top of. For V1/V2 Bulimias & V1 Ghosts you’ll need to get the PC with the new cone to retrofit your hub. We’re sure they’re fit other brands’ front hubs on the market too, but haven’t specifically tested any to guarantee that, so know that before you try it, and if you do try it, then please let us know.