Demolition just dropped three new posters of Tyler Fernengel (above), Mike “Hucker” Clark, and Dennis Enarson. Growing up I had posters all over my room, including the required Michael Jordan poster, and a signed Dave Mirra poster (which I still have). Posters tucked in RideBMX were like mysterious gold; “Who’s it gonna be? What’s the trick? Which wall am I gonna put this on? Will my parents get mad if I put it on the ceiling?” Thus the struggle every month. But, while posters (and sometimes the photography/trick quality in posters) have gone by the wayside these days with everything going digital, Demolition is keeping posters alive with these. They’ve been doing posters for years and always tried to put in a good amount of effort into them. But, with these they amped up the level building jumps, desert treks, and explosions. Head over to Demolition to pick your’s up, or login to pick them up for your shop if you’re a dealer. Click “more” for Hucker’s and Dennis’s posters…..
Mike “Hucker” Clark