WARNING: Self-Answered Questions….Do you own or run a local shop that you want to get tapped into your BMX scene and get those riders into your shop, but not know the first thing about BMX or even have the time to think about it with all the other brands/genres of bikes your shop deals with? We would love to help, and that’s honestly what we enjoy. One thing we pride ourselves in as a BMX distributor is the fact that our staff not only designs, sells, markets, and serves the BMX community, but we also ride. Every one of our sales staff, design team, shipping/receiving team, and customer service team are all riders, and we’re from all over the country, as well as overseas. Our love of BMX is far-reaching. BMX marketing has changed over the last 10 years and we understand it’s hard to keep up with and even easy to get jaded with. We would love to help your shop tap into your local scene, answer your questions, or help you try and build a local scene to help your customers, your sales, and prime your future customers. If you have any questions, please give us a call, shoot us an email, send us a homing pigeon or whatever. We love this stuff. And if our brand doesn’t have what you’re looking for at that time, then I’m sure we’d be able to point you to one that might….About the photo: This is a custom build we helped a local shop put together for display/sell as another way to help them with their local scene.